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Ultimate Staffing Agency Guide

Setting clear expectations from the outset is crucial for ensuring a successful onboarding experience. This includes outlining job responsibilities, performance expectations, and any specific processes or procedures that temporary staff need to follow.

Setting Clear Expectations from Day One

For any new employee, the first day on the job can be a whirlwind of information and introductions. For temporary staff, who are often expected to hit the ground running, clear expectations from day one are crucial. By setting precise job responsibilities, performance expectations, and clarifying any specific processes or procedures, companies can streamline the onboarding process and set temporary employees up for success.

Job Responsibilities

Temporary staff need to understand exactly what their role involves. Clear, detailed job descriptions and a thorough briefing on their first day can help ensure they know what's expected of them. This includes their daily tasks, how their role contributes to the wider team, and what success looks like in their position. To facilitate this understanding, supervisors or managers should take time to discuss the role in depth and answer any questions temporary staff may have.

Performance Expectations

Setting clear performance expectations from the onset is another critical component. This could include quality of work, key performance indicators (KPIs), deadlines, and the goals they are expected to meet during their tenure. It's also beneficial to discuss any reporting structures and how their performance will be evaluated. This allows temporary staff to understand how their work will be assessed and what they need to aim for.

Specific Processes and Procedures

Every company has its own unique processes and procedures, which can be overwhelming for new temporary staff to grasp. Therefore, it's crucial to walk them through any specific processes they'll need to follow, software they'll be using, and procedures that are essential for their role. This can include anything from email protocols and expense submission to project management tools or security procedures. Providing guides or manuals for reference can also be beneficial.

Regular Check-ins and Feedback

While setting clear expectations from the start is crucial, maintaining ongoing communication is equally important. Regular check-ins provide opportunities for temporary staff to ask questions, clarify their understanding, and receive feedback on their performance. This open dialogue can help ensure that everyone remains on the same page throughout the tenure.


Setting clear expectations from day one is not just important for temporary staff but also for the success of the team and the company. It eliminates confusion, fosters confidence, and enhances productivity. It also contributes to a positive working environment where temporary staff feel valued and equipped to succeed. By investing the time in setting clear expectations, companies can ensure a smooth onboarding process and a successful working relationship with their temporary staff.